QUFA Council Endorses Senator Morelli’s Academic Planning Motion (19 October, 2011)

The following motion to endorse Senator Morelli’s motion was passed by QUFA Council of Representatives on 19 October 2011, with 30 in favour, 2 against, and 1 abstention.

Whereas Professor Jordan Morelli, Senator for Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, has announced his intention to propose a motion at the Nov. 22, 2011, meeting of Queen’s Senate, the main points of which are:

  • that Senate reject the draft currently proposed by the APTF; and
  • that Senate consider separately, and approve where it deems appropriate, those draft sections that were completed earlier in the year and that make documented reference to the consultative basis (unit responses, APTF consultations, and other expressions of the will of the community),
  • and further that Senate endorse the process by which these draft sections were prepared – i.e., the process of targeted consultations, the posting of both consultative results and interim drafts on a transparent and interactive website, and the subsequent adjustment of drafts in keeping with community feedback; and
  • rather than seek to approve a one-time academic plan addressing the whole institution in all of its branches and aspects, that Senate take this opportunity to institute an ongoing, annual process in which Senate specifies each fall a new planning issue or set of issues and strikes a task force of community members who are qualified to consult and draft an academic planning section for those issues, using the process established by the APTF;

Therefore be it resolved that QUFA Council endorse the main arguments of this motion; that QUFA disseminate this decision by appropriate means;
And therefore be it further resolved that QUFA Council encourage QUFA members also to support this motion or any qualitatively similar one that might be forthcoming and make this support known to their senators.

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